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Saturday, April 09, 2011

A Last Message Sent Out From Man In Japan. YouTube Has Been Restricted In Japan

I just came across this video sent from a distressed french man who with his family, wife and children, lived and worked in Japan.  This was uploaded to YouTube on 17th March 2011.

From the video, you can see that this man is clearly distressed about the fact that there was a nuclear explosion at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant, but on switching on the television, there was no news, advice or guidance as to what to do. Does anyone know if this man and his family got out of Japan ok?

A Last Message Sent Out From Man In Japan.
YouTube Has Been Restricted In Japan

Also, the thought had crossed my mind that if and when this disaster happens elsewhere there should be a plan in place to inform and let people know what is happening, what to do, and give them up to the minute information.

Yes, people deserve to know the truth, instead of watching comedy shows on TV.

This is where other world Governments need to take notes and learn from these mistakes.

Contingency planning is the key to SUCCESS!

1 comment:

  1. They haven't given us the truth for a very long time. Television programming is one of many distractions that they use in hopes of keeping us from noticing.


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