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Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Save Landfill Recycle Your Old Mobile Phone for Cash

Recycle your old mobile phone and get cash back.

I saw this advert while reading the metro newspaper recently. You visit the website of the given company, in conjunction with the metro newspaper at and enter the details of your old phone and they let you know how much they will pay you for the phone.

Don't forget that you can visit a few online auction venues and try to sell your mobile phone and don't forget to watch out for scammers.

Alternatively, you can donate your phone to the charity of your choice, the charity they mention is Cancer Research UK.

1 comment:

  1. I would like to make one point in addition. Try to visit a good compare mobile phone recycling company where you tend to get a number of phone recycler players in the UK markets. On simple comparison, you can sell mobile phone for cash online with ease.


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